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Massive Muscles in 10 Weeks
10 week muscle building program review
Back in 1987 Ellington Darden personally trained Eddie Mueller and reported the full program and results in a book he called "Massive Muscles in 10 Weeks".
In a 10 week period Eddie Mueller gained 18.2 pounds of muscle, along with the following measurement increases:
Arm: before 14 7/8" after 16"
Chest: before 41" after 45"
Thigh: before 21 3/4" after 24"
Calf: before 14 7/8" after 15 1/2"
Waist: before 31 3/8" after 31 3/8"The fact that Eddie increased on all his other measurements and that his waist stayed stayed the same size shows that his gain was all muscle with no gain in fat.
What made this program so successful? There are 3 reasons:
1) Ellington Darden used old school high intensity training principles when training Eddie, the workouts were hard and brief and done only 3 days a week.
2) The workouts were changed on a weekly basis to keep Eddie's muscles from ever getting used to any one program so they were forced to continually adapt.
3) Muscle specialization workouts were done for each and every body part, so that in 10 weeks all muscle groups got attention for the maximum gains.
While I don't agree with everything Mr. Darden recommends such as, a high carbohydrate diet and eating refined packaged foods, training to 100% failure all the time with out some lower intensity weeks for recuperation and growth, etc., he did in fact get a lot right when he trained Eddie Mueller back in the late 80's.
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In fact many of our clients are gaining 20 to 30 pounds of muscle in only 2 to 3 months.
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