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Best Trapezius Exercises
What is the best trapezius workout for mass?
Q. What do you think about trapezius muscle development? Some people say it will make my shoulders look less wide. Do you think that true, and if not, what is a good trapezius workout?
A. Working the traps shouldn't detract from your shoulder width, if you keep lean your traps and shoulders will be clearly separated as different muscles. And as long as you work on the side head of your deltoids you will look plenty wide.
The best trapezius exercises are shrugs and upright rows, do a few sets of each as part of your back or shoulder routine and you will have the best trapezius workout.
For more information on the best exercises and workouts for mass you should get yourself a copy of The Martix Mass Bodybuilding Guide, it contains proven scientific methods to help you reach your full genetic potential in muscular mass as quickly as possible.
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