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Does a Pump mean Muscle Growth
Q. Are you supposed to get a massive pump when using high intensity training methods? I've been training using HIT for about a month now, and while I have made great gains in this time I don't always get a great pump. Should I be getting a huge pump and if so what am I doing something wrong?
A. The amount of pump you are able to get from your workouts is not necessarily an indication of, or equal to the degree of muscle growth stimulation. Too many bodybuilders have come to believe that getting a pump is the end-all-and-be-all of working out. Even using light weights for high reps will cause blood to come into the muscles and give you a big pump, this will cause the muscles to swell and appear bigger. Such "growth" however is not real and will disappear some hours later, this explains will some people deflate the next day and don't keep the temporary size pump training gives them.
High intensity training, using heavy weights and working as hard as you can will often cause a deep ache and burning in your muscles, that you won't notice the pump as much. But you can always do a high rep set after you are done with your hard, heavy sets, if you really crave a big pump in your muscles.For more information on high intensity training get the new HITMAN High Intensity Training Manual.
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