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Dorian Yates Blood and Guts Routine
Dorian's blood and guts workout is well-known by most bodybuilders as it has proven itself many times. It is a 6 week training routine that is all about high intensity and using maximum weights. Dorian suggests taking each set to failure and then using a spotter to squeeze out another 2 reps.
It is a routine that gets you in the gym only 4 days a week but the workout is highly intense so rest and recuperation from these brutal workouts is the key to success. Dorian always stresses the importance of peak contraction at the top of the concentric move with a slow deliberate eccentric contraction never using momentum.
Below is the 4 day split routine called the blood and guts routine because it should get you to a point where you are increasing the weight you are lifting each week for 6 weeks. Providing you are always pushing to increase the intensity with which you train, always pushing to the extreme.
The 4 Day Blood and Guts Workout:
DAY 1: Chest and Biceps
10 Minute warm-up on rowing or treadmill
Rotator-cuff warm-up: 2 x 12 reps
Decline B/B Bench-press: Warm-up sets 2 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 6-8 reps
Incline D/B Bench Press: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 6-8 reps
D/B Flyes: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 6-8 reps
D/B Concentration Curl: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 6-8 reps
B/B Curls: Working set 1 x 6-8 repsDAY 2: Back
D/B Pull-overs: Warm-up sets 2 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 8-10 reps
V-Bar Pull-downs: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 8-10 reps
D/B Rows: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 8-10 reps
Wide-grip rowing: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 8-10 reps
B/B Deadlifts: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 8-10 RepsDAY 3: Deltoids and Triceps
D/B Shoulder-press: Warm-up set 2 x 10-12 reps and working set 1x 6-8 reps
Side-lateral raises: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 8-10 reps
Cable lateral raises: Working set 1 x 6-8 reps
Cable push-downs: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 8-10 reps
Skull-crushers: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 8-10 reps
Seated triceps press: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 8-10 repsDAY 4: Legs
10 minute cardio warm-up
Lower-back stretch with knees bent: 1 x 6 reps
Lower-back stretch with straight legs: 1 x 6 reps
Hamstring stretch: 1 x 6 reps
Glute stretch: 1 x 6 reps
Leg Extension: Warm-up sets 1 x 15 reps, 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 10-12
Leg-press: Warm-up sets 2 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 10-12 reps
Hack Squat: Warm-up sets 2 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 10-12 reps
Leg Curl: 1 Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 10-12 reps
Stiff-legged deadlift: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 10-12 reps
Calf raises: Working set 1 x 10-12 Reps, 3 rest-pause sets to failure with 10-15 sec pause to increase weight
Seated calf raises: Warm-up set 1 x 10-12 reps, working set 1 x 6-8 repsFor the best muscle building results get the new HITMAN High Intensity Training Manual. It's unlike any other workout program you've ever tried and people using it are gaining up to 20 to 30 pounds of new muscle in only 2 to 3 months!
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