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Fast Muscles Review
Rob Maraby Fast Muscles Program Review
Rob Maraby claims you can workout for only 20 minutes just twice a week, and only eat 3 meals a day to gain 20-30 pounds of lean muscle mass. Sounds great, but is it true? Will it really work?
After reading the manual, the diet he recommends is 3 meals a day plus 3 shakes - which is eating 6 times a day not just 3. The truth is to increase muscle mass you are going to have to increase your intake of protein and calories, your body can't make muscle out of air, it needs food to use as the building material for new muscle.
Rob Maraby Fast Muscles program training advice, while is not really bad, seems to be just a regurgitation of Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty 2, which so many have already tried only to find the volume and frequency too low to build muscle mass, the top complaint was getting stronger but not bigger.
The bottom line is we feel there is nothing really new or super exciting about the Fast Muscles program and the price of $69.99 is not justified for what you get.
Not when for just a fraction of that cost, only $27.00, you can get yourself a copy of the new HITMAN High Intensity Training Manual which contains the most up to date and effective fast muscle building information and workouts.
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