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High Intensity Arm Workout
His Arms Grew 3/8 of an Inch from Only One Workout
Franco Columbu the best friend and training partner of Arnold Schwarzenegger, was also a great bodybuilder in his own right winning the Mr. Olympia contest two times before he retired.
But early in his career Franco had a problem, his arms were too small to match the size of his huge back, chest and shoulders. And no matter how much he trained his arms he couldn't get them any bigger.
He took his problem to Arthur Jones, who solved Franco's problem with only one workout!
He first measured Franco's cold arm measurement and then had him do the following:
Nautilus Curl to failure
Nautilus Triceps Extension to failure
Nautilus Curl to failure
Nautilus Triceps Extension to failure
Nautilus Curl to failure
Nautilus Triceps Extension to failure
Nautilus Curl to failure
Nautilus Triceps Extension to failure
Nautilus Curl to failure
Nautilus Triceps Extension to failureAll this was done nonstop, with no rest between sets.
Afterwards Arthur again measured Franco's Arms and they had pumped up one and five sixteenths (1 5/16") inches bigger then before the workout.
Many hours later, Franco called Arthur to tell him that his arms were still measuring over 18 inches.
And the next day, Arthur measured Franco's arms cold and recorded a permanent increase of three eighths of an inch ( 3/8 ") all as the result only one super hard workout.
The New HITMAN program contains high intensity body part specialization workouts, like the above, for all muscle groups, including Arms, Back, Chest, Legs and Shoulders.
If you have a weak body part, or you've hit a plateau in your progress, than these muscle specialization workouts will help you gain slabs of new muscle mass fast!
Get your own copy of the new HITMAN High Intensity Training Manual today.
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