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Optimum Anabolics Review
Jeff Anderson the Muscle Nerd's Optimum Anabolics Program Review
Q. What is your opinion of the Optimum Anabolics program? And do you think your Matrix Mass system is better?
A. The Optimum Anabolics by Jeff Anderson also known as the Muscle Nerd seems to be a popular workout program online today, and my opinion is that it not great but it's okay.
I feel Matrix Mass is the better of the two, because:
Matrix Mass is designed for developing maximum muscle mass increases, while Optimum Anabolics results in less mass gained. I think you will agree if you see Jeff's picture on his website that he looks more nerd than he does muscle man.
Matrix Mass gives you so many more different workout programs in fact you get enough unique training phases to keep you busy for an entire year.
Jeff Anderson is selling his bodybuilding supplement secrets guide separately, while Matrix Mass includes a supplement review guide free!
Bottom line, the Matrix Mass system has more workouts, comes with a bonus bodybuilding audio, a bodybuilding supplement guide, free personal training and also a 100% money back guarantee.
So, my advice is to get the Matrix Mass Training Manual and get started on your way to the ripped muscular body of your dreams today!
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