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Super Slow Training Review
Does Super Slow Training Work?
We've researched a lot of different training techniques and systems but this one really takes the cake. Super Slow Training is an entire system based around slow-motion lifting. Ken Hutchins has written a book titled "Super Slow" where he describes his theories in detail. He is an excellent writer and starts off by sating the undeniable fact that a bigger muscle is a stronger muscle. There are few experts around that will deny this fact. The real point of contention, however, is how to measure strength.
Hutchins goes on to state that in order to get stronger you must push a muscle "beyond failure" or, as we see it, past the point of normal stress levels. Remember, if you're used to working at 80% intensity then pushing at 85% intensity will cause muscle growth even though you actually don't go to failure. As you are aware, we recommend using our Overload Techniques for a couple of sets per body part. These Overload Techniques are meant to push your muscles into or near the failure zone. Hutchins, admits, however, that there is no one way to train and that he is mystified by the miracle of muscle growth. Yet he presents Super S1ow as the best and only way to train. Each rep of Super Slow takes a full fifteen seconds to perform, 10 seconds for the positive portion and 5 seconds for the negative. His sets consist of 5-10 reps because the rep takes so long that it exceeds most people's capacity of pain and endurance.
Hutchins claims that this slow training method is safer (which we agree, but so is walking in the park) and is truly the way to build muscle faster. Considering that you can only lift 1/3 of your normal training weight, we feel the issue of building muscle faster comes into question. If this were true, then you would see a lot of construction workers with huge, well developed muscles.
Hutchins holds up as his one success story a gentleman that gained 20 pounds in a few months. But he gives no exact details on the training regimen, diet, previous lifting experience of this guy or anything. Very weak, to say the least. A system's validity is based on how well it works across the boards. Sounds like something Arthur Jones did years ago with Casey Viator. Remember the Nautilus scam?
Research has clearly shown that a muscle is meant to contract quickly. We recommend lifting a weight in a controlled rapid fashion and to release at the same rate. Ligaments and tendons were not meant to resist weight in the negative portion of any movement, as so many Heavy Duty followers believe. Many of you have written to us and agree that the only time you had elbow joint problems was when you were performing slow negatives with the barbell curl. Makes sense, doesn't it? The only time the weight moves slowly is either when you are nursing an injury, and then you should take your time, or when the weight is so darn heavy that it will not go any faster! Then speed becomes relative because you could be blasting up a 300 lb. bench press as quickly as you can move it but it may look slow to the casual observer.
Super Slow just doesn't cut it. There are too many contradictions with science and exercise mechanics.
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